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Why this 'wonder pill' is a suicide risk

23rd November 2008

• Revealing the weight loss drug that
causes depression

• The Willy Wonka danger of Big

• How to slim safely

At the end of last month there was bad news for

Safety chiefs withdrew a weight loss drug called

Their concern was that this slimming 'wonder pill'
was linked to suicide and sudden death. A report
in The Lancet found there was a 40% higher
chance of being harmed by 'adverse events or
serious adverse events'.

These include a persistently low mood,
depression, anxiety, irritability, nervousness and
sleep disorders.

According to UK health officials, the risk of these
sideeffects 'outweighed its benefits.'

You don't say...

I don't think any mounts of weight loss is worth
that kind of misery. And this is the problem with
concocting new pharmaceutical drugs in the
laboratory. They work well in principle, but in
reality these technological breakthroughs have a
nasty habit of biting back.

For every good effect... a side effect... it's a
common tale in modern medicine.
The Willy Wonka problem...

The big pharmas remind me of Willy Wonka's
Chocolate Factory.

We dream of everlasting gobstoppers three-
course dinner chewing gum. Or in this case, drugs
that eradicate fat and disease.

And these corporations spend millions trying to
fulfil our dream in their secret laboratories. They
do this because they know they can make billions
in return.

And so we're sold a dream of the glorious
laboratory created wonder pill. Man's singular
triumph over flab and ill health. Testimony of the
human brain's power to bend - or even REVERSE
- the laws of nature.

But every invention has a side-effect. Every
medication utilises chemicals that may cause side
effects. Some are minor physical effects, such as
nausea or blurred vision. Others affect your mood
and emotions.

Look at the many drugs for lowering blood
pressure for example...

Beta-blockers can cause insomnia, cold feet,
asthma, tiredness or depression.... ACE inhibitors
can cause a skin rash, loss of taste, and a chronic
cough.... Alpha blockers can cause fast heart rate,
and dizziness... blood vessel dilators can cause
headaches and aching joints.

Solving one problem... can create
another problem

Many people who struggle to improve their health
are led towards common medications like pain
relievers, stimulants and tranquilizers - drugs by
the medical professionals they trust.

But instead of a quick cure, many people end up
in a fog of confusion, depression and insomnia.

It's the sinister side of Willy Wonka's Chocolate
Factory that his artificial inventions DO work for
the purpose they were created... but all of them
have grizzly, unforeseen side effects.

In our race to invent the man-made cure, will we
end up a society of Violet Beaureguards , rolled
away like giant blueberries, or Augustus Gloops,
sucked through chocolate pipes?

(By the way, if you've never read Charlie and The
Chocolate Factory
or see the films, I accept that
everything I've just said sounds really, really

I don't know. But almost 100,000 Britons have
pinned their hopes on Acomplia since it was
launched two years ago.
BANNED in the States, yet OK for Brits

In a strange reversal of the usual story, this drug
was NEVER APPROVED in the US. And that's a
country famed for a more relaxed approached to
regulation in the medicine market.

But here in the UK it was marketed as a
miraculous breakthrough.

Looking into this story, I was interested in some
comments about this on The Daily Mail website.

One reader called Andy, who had been on
Acomplia, wrote:

'Yes I got depressed and yes I felt suicidal. About
4 weeks after taking no tablets I went back to the
doctor who told me to restart taking everything...
Luckily I did not and I'm still here to tell the tale.
Doctor Knows best ....I DONT THINK SO.'

It's a sobering example of some doctors who toe
the line of big pharmas when it comes to solving
your problems.

Of course, I'm not attacking conventional
medicine. Much of it has a vital role to play. And
for most of us facing serious disease, there's not
much choice.

The fact is it's the causes of disease we need to
spend billions on tackling - like lowering our
reliance on refined carbs and sugars... eating
locally sourced fresh food.... cooking our meals
properly... eating vegetables free of pesticides...
making our homes toxin-free...exercising more...
educating ourselves about what protection nature
has to offer us.

Of course, where's the profit in THAT?

Trying to solve a problem that never goes away is
far more profitable than preventing a problem in
the first place.

In fact, preventing a problem before it happens
takes time and money. It costs us dearly. So we
ignore it and go for the quick fix.

But when it comes to losing weight, there ARE
natural alternatives.

The safe alternative to diet drugs

Before you trust everything to a wonder pill, make
sure you try out the many safe, natural alternatives

If a natural remedy doesn't work, it's not likely to
have done you any harm.

For example, if you read Saturday's Good Life Letter
you'll know you can use 3 natural ingredients as a
drug-free weight loss aid.

Take a look at this:

I have gone back to my original size in
clothes... it's been a huge boost to
my confidence

To give you an idea of the potential, here's an
email I got from a reader who found amazing
benefits from honey, garlic and vinegar...

'I'm indebted to you for the weight loss from the
honey, garlic and vinegar tablets. Weight had
slipped on through the menopause. It wouldn't shift
by the usual cutting-down methods and exercise,
which had always worked in the past.

Over a period of 18 months I spoke to my doctor, a
dietician and a herbalist, read widely and tried some
ideas from other companies. What I was looking for
was a way-of-life diet so the weight would go off
and stay off and I would be eating healthily as well.

But it was the honey, garlic and vinegar tablets that
actually worked and shifted much of the excess

I have gone back to my original size in clothes, I
feel very well and it's been a huge boost to my
confidence. Furthermore the weight has stayed off,
although I have not taken the tablets for a little
while. I eat differently now and often include honey,
garlic and cider vinegar in a meal.'

It's definitely worth a try. Drug-free and 100%

If you're interested you can test run a brand new
HGV Formula with EXTRA herbs that boost your
metabolism, ease your digestive system and
lower inflammation.

Click here for more details:


I'll be back with more natural alternatives to
pharmaceutical concoctions next week.
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